Friday, February 2, 2007

Cheering for the Lady Vikings

I was part of that wonderful time of the “streak” but from a different point of view. I was graduated from Mercer University in June, l967. Norman Carter, Taylor County High School Principal, came to my parent’s house in Reynolds and hired me to teach English and French. He called me “Tiger” – my high school mascot, Reynolds High. I was put in charge of the cheerleading squad. We sold “goodies” during breaks at school to earn money for uniforms, trips, etc. That is why I am the best rice krispie maker now…5 years of experience. Julie mentioned in her blog that I left the squad, made a career change. Coach Carter became superintendent and I moved from the classroom at the end of the l971-72 school year to the Central Office, where I still am today. I loved “my” cheerleaders and wanted them to be and do their very best. I was proud of them during those 5 years, and I am still proud of them in 2007, and look forward to visiting at the reunion. Coach Carter certainly holds a very special place in my heart…always has, always will.


At February 3, 2007 at 9:11 AM , Blogger Bunny Fuller Harris said...

Our cheerleaders were great. I remember especially the day after our loss. The cheerleaders had gotten to school very early and plastered the walls with signs of encouragement. That lifted our spirits and helped us through the day. I won't say there weren't any tears shed that day, but we made it. Jeri, you were cheerleader sponsor extraordinaire and you are presently a super sister-in-law!


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