Coach Carter introduced us to some of the greatest coaches in Georgia, either in getting to play against their teams in the state tournament, in traveling with Coach when he was asked to speak at various events around the state, or working at his basketball camp which he started in 1971. One special coach that I had the pleasure of working with at basketball camp was Coach George Eanes, who recently celebrated his 80th birthday. He told me once, "You'll have a lot of friends and acquaintances all through your life, but you'll remember and have a special bond with your teammates forever." He was right. My basketball teammates have a special place in my heart today, especially the forwards on the Taylor County Lady Vikings.

One such teammate is Sandra Arnold. She and I played basketball together for so long that we each knew what the other was thinking and what we would do next. A pivot player is only as good as the guard who can get her the ball at the right time, and Sandra had a knack for getting me the ball at the right time. She made me look good. She'd make some good passes to me, I'd score, her guard would drop back to make it harder on me, and she'd score from the top of the key. I tease her today about how every shot she made would be a three-pointer today (It wasn't in the rule books back then). She'd have broken all kinds of scoring records! Our friend and elementary school classmate, Bruce Goddard, wrote a blog about us from our elementary school days. We were winning consecutive games even then - 14-0 our eighth grade year. We came to Butler together for spring practice during May of 1968, entered high school at Taylor County High in 1969, and the rest, as they say, is history. Sandra and I alternated starting our freshmen year, and after that we had earned our positions for the remaining three years. It was a great run.

Another such teammate is Shirley Durham Troutman. We played together two years, and I can only say that Shirley was an awesome ballplayer. She could dribble the ball and handle it full speed like nobody I've ever seen. She could shoot a jump shot from way out. She could rebound with the best of them. She had a good eye for the whole court and could get me the ball in the pivot when I thought there was no way. I enjoyed played basketball with Shirley. We then played against each other for four years of college, she at Fort Valley and me at Middle Georgia and UGA. Sandra, Shirley, and I also played a little adult basketball in a recreation league, traveling to Warner Robins to play.

The third teammate is Judy Riley Bland. Judy's signature in high school was her long pigtails. Her hair was long,straight, and blonde, and the envy of all of us in the late 60's. She was long and tall. We teased her that she sharpened her elbows, because she came down with so many rebounds during the games. Nobody was a better team player than Judy. When Sandra and I were freshmen, she helped us learn the ropes of being a Lady Viking. Our second year of playing together, after Sissy had graduated, we were probably the most balanced team in Georgia. Any of us could score and did score as we won most games easily that year. It was just a lot of fun to play basketball with Judy.

The last forward is Elizabeth (Sissy) Riley Martin. I can't even say how great it was to be a freshman on the team when Sissy was a senior. She was a classy player, who made everything look easy. From scoring baskets to being active in the clubs in school to having the highest average in her class to being popular and fun, Sissy was just a leader in every way. She was also the first girl I met who wore the same size shoe I did! Coach Carter loved to tease us about those big feet. Sissy was who the other team wanted to stop from scoring. They'd doubleteam her, they'd push and shove her, but through it all she just went on popping baskets with her two-handed jumpshot. I learned a lot from playing basketball with Sissy Riley, and I'm glad I got to do so for that one year.
I had some awesome teammates!
These years taught us all alot about teamwork which has paid off for me in my 34 year career. It did not matter who got the credit or made the points. We just wanted someone to!! By the way, we owe Bunny a huge thank-you for all the time she is putting into all of this - almost every spare minute! I personally had forgotten most of this and it is great for it all to be brought back to our memories.
I agree with Judy. It didn't matter who scored as long as we won the game. The 132 game winning streak was a TEAM effort. Bunny and I started playing basketball together during recess in the fifth grade. When the word "basketball" is mentioned I automatically think of Bunny. Thank you, Bunny, for all the memories and all the time you have put into these blogs and the reunion.
I was glad for Bunny to join the team for lots of reasons, especially to have someone else share my shoe size. I always said that it took a lot to knock us over!
We definitely owe Bunny many thanks for all her work on this reunion. It is amazing how many things that we are remembering that we haven't thought of in years. The DVD we will all get will be priceless. It's going to be fun getting together. wasn't the shoe size that bothered was the long legs of you, Judy and Bunny. We had to eat lunch and before practice and by the time I walked from the lunchroom to the gym I was worn out! Why? Because I had to trot to keep up with you all. I was not as tall ya'll were. I'm not sure which one of you gave it to me, but this is how I got the nickname "Shrimp".
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